Auction Basket Bidding
During this year’s State Convention, we’ll be conducting an on-line auction of items donated by our Chapters and/or Divisions to both raise money for the state affiliate and to highlight our chapters and divisions in the affiliate. Here are instructions for visiting the auction site, bidding on items of interest, as well as purchasing those items if you happen to be the winning bidder.
To visit the auction site and view the items available, browse to:
If you wish to bid on an item, you may log in using your pre-registered account. If you pre-registered with the convention, your username will be the email address you used during your registration process. Your password will be the phone number you provided as your primary phone number, minus any punctuation. For example, if you registered with the phone number: 818-234-5678, your password would be: 8182345678. If you did not pre-register with the convention or if you didn’t provide enough pre-registration information to create an account, you can register with the auction site directly and bid on items.
Below are instructions for completing specific tasks on the auction site.
To view the items available for auction, perform the following steps:
1. Browse to
2. Click on the word Donation, the line says, donation baskets.
3. You’ll find a list of the baskets for auction on the next page.
4. To see what’s in a given basket, click on its name. You will then see the contents of that basket and will be able to bid on it on that page.
To register for a new username, perform the following steps:
1. Browse to
2. Click on the New Registration button at the bottom of the page.
3. Enter your email address, a password (twice), name and address and click the submit button.
4. This will log you in and register your account for future use.
To place a bid on a specific item, perform the following steps:
1. Following the browsing instructions above for getting to a specific basket.
2. Once you’ve loaded the page with the specific auction basket you wish to bid on, enter your email address and password in the fields provided, as well as your desired bid.
3. Press the “Place Bid” button once you are ready to confirm your choices.
If your bid is the winning bid for a specific item, you will receive an email once the auction closes informing you of your status as the winner.
In that email, you will find a link to take you to a page where you can purchase the item and confirm where you would like it delivered. You will have 72 hours to complete your purchase once the email is sent to you. If you fail to complete your purchase in that time, your status as winning bidder will be withdrawn, and the item will be offered to the next highest bidder.
Once you’ve completed your purchase by paying for it, the chapter who donated the basket will be notified of your purchase and will be given your contact and shipping information so that the items can be sent to you.
If you have questions about this process, or need help submitting a bid, you may contact Michael Richardson or Brian Buhrow during the convention.
Brian Buhrow:
Michael Richardson:
The Auction Team