Resolution 2022-01 Concerning Virtual Voting
Whereas, the National Federation of the Blind of California constantly strives to be a diverse, equitable, and inclusive space for all; and,
Whereas, we recognize that the financial and/or health-related cost of convention may create an undue burden for members and potential members, thereby excluding them; and,
Whereas, the affordances of current technology may relieve this burden by allowing for in-person conventions, chapter, and division meetings to have virtual access; and,
Whereas, all members in good standing, both in-person and virtual, should be allowed to exercise their membership privileges, including that of voting; and
Whereas, we recognize that the burden of finding an accessible virtual voting system for all members should not fall to any single individual:
Now Be it resolved by the National Federation of the Blind of California assembled this 6th day of November, 2022, in the city of San Diego, California,
That the affiliate, led by the board, shall find or create an accessible virtual voting system; and
Be it further resolved that we may, once an accessible virtual voting system is found and tested, use this system to promote more inclusive elections by allowing members in good standing to exercise their voting privilege, thereby helping to relieve the financial and/or health-related burden created by requiring in-person attendance.