March 2011 Bulletin
March 2, 2011
To be read at chapter meetings:
California Chemistry Camp, 2011:
Announcing the 2011 California Chemistry Camp for Blind High School Students!
If you know of a blind high school student who is interested in Chemistry, please distribute the following information. This is a camp that they might be interested in attending. They will learn how blind people tackle the very visual subject of organic chemistry successfully and how blind professionals use science in their careers every day.
When: Friday, April 29 through Sunday, May 1, 2011.
Where: Enchanted Hills Camp near Napa, California.
Who: Up to twelve blind high school students ages 14-18
To fill out the application, go to
and follow the link on the main page to the application.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Henry Wedler
Program Coordinator
Assemble your gift baskets
It is not too soon to start thinking about activities for our Fall Convention. This year, the State Convention will be held at the Hilton,-Newark/Fremont on October 13 – 16, 2011. During the banquet, we will again hold an auction. Chapter members should start thinking about a theme and collecting items to be placed in the gift baskets for auction. For example: a basket may contain gourmet items, or a basket for chocolate lovers, or baking enthusiast’s basket. This statewide fund raising event was started last year and proved to be a lot of fun at the end of the banquet. Let’s build on the idea and show how creative our chapters can be.
Congratulations on your retirement:
Many blind children and adults have benefited from over fifty years of the hard work and dedication of Mrs. Jean Norris at the Kenneth Jernigan Library , in Tarzana, California.. On February 28th, 2011, a reception was held to honor Mrs. Norris.. Dr. Marc Maurer presented her. with a plaque thanking her for many years of service. Family, friends and Federationists joined together to show appreciation. Mrs. Norris will continue to volunteer at the Library .
2011 Scholarships
March 31st, 2011 is the deadline for National Scholarship applications to be sent in to the National Office. Thirty (30) scholarships ranging from $3000. to $12000. will be awarded at the banquet of the National Federation of the Blind in Orlando, Florida on July 8th, 2011. Contact your local Disabled Students Services Office at any Community College, California State Universities, University of California or private colleges to encourage them to distribute the applications. Applications are available at
Mary Willows, President
39481 Gallaudet Drive Apt. 127
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-0100
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