August Bulletin
August 8, 2012
Greetings Fellow Federationists:
I hope that all of you are enjoying the summer sun. July has been a very busy month for me and the affiliate. We are making the final arrangements for the 2012 annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind of California which will be held at the Embassy Suites located at 1440 Imperial Avenue, El Segundo, California on October 18 through 21, 2012.
Along with convention planning, I am up to my ears in boxes. That is right. We have moved the state office back to Pleasanton. The new address, or shall I say, the old address, is once again 3934 Kern Court, Pleasanton, California, 94588. The office phone number will not change. You will now have several ways to get ahold of us. You can use (510) 248-0100 or (510) 818-1641 which will be forwarded to Pleasanton. Our Pleasanton phone number is (925) 462-8575. For those who want to use a toll free number, you can still reach us at (877) 558-6524.
The San Fernando Valley Chapter Presents TECH TALK:
New advances in technology are changing the lives of many people who are
blind or low-vision. Come and be part of a group that will meet every month
to discuss and help you better understand many types of Assistive Technology
that can help you to Be more independent and productive. Whether you are new
to technology or know your way around, participating in “Tech Talk” is a
great way to meet others like you who want to learn more about or enjoy
talking tech.
On August 11, from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M., we will be joined by Peter Proscia from Innovative Rehabilitation Technology Inc. For over 30 years this company has provided high tech innovations to the Blind, Low Vision, and individuals with learning
differences. IRTI specializes in the development of reading, playback,
publishing and web distribution tools for daisy talking books, scan and
read, magnification and accessible electronic entertainment systems. He will
not only just talk to us about their latest and greatest products but also
bring a variety of their coolest gadgets for us to have some hands-on
Where: The Center for the Partially Sighted, Tarzana office located at 18425 Burbank Bl. Suite 706 (7th Floor) Near Reseda Bl.
To RSVP or ask any questions please contact
Julian Vargas at:
Or call 818-794-9554
Goodwill Informational Protest on August 25, 2012 in California:
We are taking our fight for fair wages for disabled workers to the streets. We need to increase public awareness of the unfair, discriminatory, immoral practice of paying subminimum wages to workers with disabilities. To that end, on Saturday, August 25, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. local time, members of the NFB and other concerned citizens will be conducting informational protests at Goodwill Thrift Store locations around the country. Affiliates, chapters, divisions, and groups of the National Federation of the Blind will join with friends, family, and members of other cross-disability organizations to conduct as many informational demonstrations as possible.
The following website can be accessed to find local Goodwill Thrift Store locations.
Please contact your local chapter president for further instructions or call the state office.
The PAC Plan is the Pre/Authorized Checking Plan. It has insured a consistent flow of monthly income to fund some of the programs at the National Federation of the Blind.
The PAC song goes like this-
Get on the PAC Plan
Sign up today
We need your contributions right away
Help fund our movement
It must be done
So all our dollars can be one
I’m asking all presidents to discuss this important program at your next chapter meeting and let’s try to increase our membership in the California affiliate. Contact PAC Plan chairperson Geraldine Croom at 323 418/7211 or email Geraldine. if you would like to sign up or to increase.
Calling All California Chapters:
The 2012 National Federation of the Blind of California is excited to announce that our state convention is around the corner. October 18th-21stNFBC will gather at The Embassy Suites in El Segundo. Last year, the NFBC Affiliate had a very successful basket auction. We are proud to invite all chapters to please donate a basket for the auction. Last year chapters had basket “themes” (i.e.Movie Lovers, Coffee, Technology, Bath, etc) and they were great!
This year we would like to ask that there be a high end and low end auction making it possible for all Federationists to get involved with the auction and bid. To assist in making this possible The Southwest Riverside County Chapter is asking that all chapter presidents bring the idea to your next chapter meeting and get ideas from chapter members. Planning ahead will allow chapters to either get donations or purchase items to put in the baskets. Prior to convention chapters will be told where and who they can give baskets to upon arrival at hotel.
We are asking that when a decision has been made on your chapters theme please contact Jeri Siqueiros-Ramirez (Southwest Riverside County President) and give her your name and basket’s theme. Her email is or you can call her 951-445-2520. NFBC would like to thank you and is looking forward to a successful convention and seeing you all there!
NFBC Showcase of Talent:
This is a casting call for all talents
Do you have a hidden talent that you would like to spotlight, Well, don’t miss out on this great opportunity
Come and showcase it on Friday night October 19th at the National Federation of the Blind of California 2012 State Convention
To sign up or for more details, contact chairperson Geraldine Croom at 323 418/7211 email or Rochelle Houston at 323 754/9689 email
Deadline to sign up is September 30, 2012
Please provide your first and last name, phone number, chapter name and your talent
Pre-registration for the 2012 NFB of California Convention Is Coming Soon:
Save the Date: October 18, 19, 20 and 21, 2012.
Location: Embassy Suites Hotel (A Hilton Hotel). 1440 E. Imperial Avenue, El Segundo, CA
Please watch our website for detailed information and prices.
Mary Willows, President
3934 Kern Court
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(510) 248-0100
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