June 2011 Bulletin
To Be Read At Chapter Meetings:
Things are really gearing up for the national convention in Orlando, Florida. I understand we are now making reservations in a third hotel. I think this will be an attendance blockbuster. Watch the nfbc-info list for roommates looking for someone to share a room with. There are still plenty of rooms left in Orlando. No one will be left out. Simply reach out and you will find someone with whom you can share a room.
In the meantime, chapters are building and growing all the time. We bring our message of support and love every opportunity we can. For example, here are just a few of the upcoming events throughout the state of California.
River City Chapter will be attending the River Cats game on Friday, June 3. Call Chapter President, Tiffany Manosh for more information. (916) 202-3486.
June 11, the Shasta Cascade Chapter will be holding an annual wine tasting event at the home of Chapter President Karen Steele in Shingletown. Time: 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. $10.00 donation at the door. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the members and meet sellers from local wineries. For more information,
call President Karen Steele at (530) 474-3885
June 12, “Catch Our Dreams”. Dreamcatchers are native American symbols which when hung over a bed, will only allow good dreams in and block out the bad dreams. Join us as we “Dream of Opportunities, Believe in Equality, and Achieve Security”. Our River City Chapter will be hosting this fun filled afternoon event. We will have an auction featuring many sports memorabilia, health and beauty products and several vintage wines from the Napa region. In addition, there will be live entertainment from Baca the chicken and his ventriloquist, Bill Passmore. The music will be provided by Dan Barbeau, the singing cop.
The purpose of this event is to make the public aware of our recent Chemistry Camp and encourage future events like this for blind high school aged Californians.
On June 16, The Guiding Lights Chapter will hold a drawing for a gift card valued at $50.00, $25.00 and $10.00. To buy tickets for $1.00 call President Gerrie Croome at (323) 418-7211. The location will be 9431 S. Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90044
Save the Date- November 5, 2011. The twentieth anniversary of the Guiding Lights Chapter will be held in Inglewood, California. Watch for the location and more information in the next Bulletin.
The East Bay Chapter held a very successful two year anniversary celebration at a restaurant in Union City on May 7, 2011. Two new members were signed up at that time. There are now three babies in the chapter. So it was dubbed the baby chapter.
National Scholarship Winners:
California is proud to announce three national scholarship winners. The students are Cathy Lei, Terry Meehan and Henry Wedler. We are thrilled to have them represent us at the national convention July 3 to 8, 2011 in Orlando, Florida. We are rooting for all three to be the big winners.
Take the World:
The San Fernando Valley Chapter held a very successful seminar for blind middle school, high school and college age students. The purpose was to introduce youngsters, their parents and teachers to successful blind role models. Second Vice-President, Ever Lee Hairston spoke about her experiences accepting her blindness. Vendors demonstrated technology and everyone learned about the National Federation of the Blind of California.
The future depends on what we do in the present. – Mahatma Gandhi
Mary Willows, President
39481 Gallaudet Drive Apt. 127
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-0100
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