July 2011 Bulletin
To be read at all Chapter meetings:
Congratulations to California Imaginations:
Have you ever wanted to know what it is like to be blind and drive a car? NFB of California Second Vice-president, Ever Lee Hairston will tell you all about it. She is one of the thirty people who will get to sit in the car and experience driving the simulator during the 2011 NFB convention in Orlando, Florida. Many more of us have raised enough money for the Imagination Fund to earn other mementos which we will proudly show off at the convention.
The Imagination Fund is an important fundraising campaign for the National Federation of the Blind because it allows us to do research and develop programs in education, technology, products, and services which help all blind people to achieve independence.
Catch Our Dreams:
This June marked the first live auction and pasta feed fundraising event. Held in Fairfield, the event presented the public with an opportunity to learn about the California Chemistry Camp and have fun at the same time. Through the generous donations of forty five businesses in the Fairfield/Vacaville/Napa area, we can now plan future weekend events to teach blind children that they have the right stuff for learning chemistry.
River City Chapter Fun Ride:
The River City Chapter held the first fun ride along the American River bike trail. It was an opportunity for members to educate the public about the capabilities of the blind and have fun at the same time.
The next “Fun Ride” will be held on September 17, 2011 10:30 A.M. For more information call President Tiffany Manosh at (916) 202-3486
On August 6, 2011 the River City Chapter will be celebrating sixteen years of service to the Sacramento area. A pot luck lunch will be held at the Society for the Blind in Sacramento. To let them know what you will be bringing, please contact Ralph Gingrich at (916) 721-4499.
NFBC Inland Empire Chapter:
Members of the Inland Empire Chapter are selling drawing tickets for a laptop. The winning ticket will be drawn on October, 15 2011 at the NFBC state convention held at the Hilton Newark. The winner will receive Compaq-Presario laptop/AMD v-series processer/15.6” display/2GB, memory/250GB hard-basic black, energy star qualified window 7, and home premium, 64-bit DL DVD-RW/CD-RW drive.
Donation: 1 ticket for $5 or 3 tickets for $10, winner does not need to be present for the drawing. For more information please contact Cheryl Thurston at (909) 829-2481 or e-mail at cthurston74@gmail.com
California State Scholarships for blind and visually impaired students:
Again, this year, the National Federation of the Blind of California will offer four $2500.00 scholarships to blind California residents planning to attend an institution of higher learning. The application and requirements will be posted to our affiliate website immediately after the national convention.
Go to www.sixdots.org for more information.
Mary Willows, President
39481 Gallaudet Drive Apt. 127
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-0100
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