March Bulletin
March 5, 2013
Greetings Fellow Federationists!
I am happy to report that we are one step closer to securing minimum wages for disabled workers. We have a bill number and now the work will begin. We are looking for co-sponsors for the Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act of 2013 (H.R. 831). The bill is sponsored by Representative Gregg Harper (Republican- Mississippi). Please discuss this landmark legislation at your next chapter meeting. We need every member to call your congressman and ask them to co-sponsor HR 831. It is appalling that in this day and age that anyone in this country can get away with paying sub-minimum wages to workers just because they’re disabled. Read more about the bill and the work of the National Federation of the Blind at
Social Security Workshop
The San Fernando Valley Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of California will host a Social Security Information Workshop.
When: Saturday March 16 2013 from 10am to 12pm.
Please try to arrive early (between 9 and 9:30).
Where: Tarzana Medical Center –
Women’s Pavilion building entrance
(Meeting will be held in the auditorium)
18321 Clark St. Tarzana CA (Cross Street is Reseda Blvd)
For more information and to RSVP please log on to and click on the Social Security event page or call the NFB San Fernando Valley Chapter at
Join the San Francisco Chapter at Chevy’s
On Saturday, March 16 the San Francisco Chapter will meet at 1 p.m. to hold elections and discuss current events. News about national legislation, scholarships, and convention arrangements will be shared. Following the meeting, interested parties will walk over to Chevy’s restaurant to continue the camaraderie. For information, about donating a portion of your meal to the chapter, go here or contact Chapter President, Darian
Smith at 415) 215-9809 or email Darian.
Chemistry Camp
Please help spread the word to high school aged students who would benefit from a weekend of confidence and skill building. The California Chemistry Camp is designed to develop the techniques which will be necessary for a blind student to participate in a science lab class. The program is free to eligible students. It will be held in Napa from Friday, May 3, 2013 through Sunday, May 5, 2013.
If you would like an application and/ or have any questions, contact:
Angela Fowler
Director of planning, Accessible Science
Phone: 530-902-0987
National Scholarships Deadline is March 31
If you know a blind or visually impaired full time college student, let them know that there are thirty scholarships available through the National Federation of the Blind. The deadline for applications is March 31. Go to to apply.
Mary Willows, President
3934 Kern Court
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 462-8575
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