September 2011 Bulletin
The National Federation of the Blind of California Convention is Coming!
Where? Hilton Newark/Fremont. Located at 39900 Balentine Drive, Newark, CA, 94560. At the corner of I 880 and Stevenson Blvd. Just three miles from the Fremont BART station.
For hotel Reservations, call: (510) 490-8390. Be sure to say that you are with the National Federation of the Blind of California to get the reduced rate. You will need a hotel confirmation number to pre-register on line and take advantage of discounted hotel and registration prices. Room Rates: $85.00 per night. Plus10% tax. Singles, Doubles, Triples and Quads Until September 30. Convention Pre-registration: $95.00 until October 6, 2011.
Pre-Registration Package includes: One ticket to a live improve comedy show called “Made Up Theatre” on Friday, October 14 at 8:00 P.M. If purchased separately it will cost $15.00. One convention registration for $15.00. One banquet. If purchased separately it will cost $40.00. One Diabetes Action Network (DAN) lunch on Saturday, October 15. If purchased separately it will cost $25.00. One Chapter Interaction breakfast on Sunday, October 16 at 7:30 A.M. If purchased separately it will cost $25.00. If you wait until you get to the convention to register, all of these events and meals will cost you a total of $120.00. So pre-register now!
October 2011: Meet the Blind Month
Meet the Blind Month is our nationwide campaign to increase awareness of and support for the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). During the entire month of October, affiliates and chapters throughout the country will be joining forces to spread the message that the NFB is the voice of the nation’s blind and that blind people are the best resource for learning about vision loss, blindness, and rehabilitation. This year, as part of Meet the Blind Month, a challenge will be implemented: to organize innovative and creative events in local communities. We welcome all chapters and affiliates to join in the challenge to develop the most unique event.
White Cane Day Walk for Independence:
This year we will celebrate October 15, White Cane Day, with a public education Walk for Independence. Anyone interested in carrying signs announcing the freedom and independence which blind people enjoy thanks to the signing of the White Cane Law are welcome to join us. We will leave the hotel at 10:30 A.M. to walk two blocks up Balentine and return to the hotel by noon for the Diabetes Action Network luncheon. Signs will be available upon exiting the hotel. Bring your walking shoes and help us to celebrate independence. We will also have a few signs to inform the public of our opposition to the payment of subminimum wages to blind sheltered workshop workers.
Scholarships for Blind College Students:
This year, the NFB of California will award four scholarships to worthy, qualified blind college students. The application is available on our website. Go to The deadline is September 15.
Chapter Baskets for Auction:
This year, at our banquet, Saturday evening, several chapter baskets will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. This fundraising event will be lively and rewarding. Our Mistress of Ceremony, Ever Lee Hairston will call out the items in theme baskets which have been donated by chapter members from all over the state. So far, we have coffee lovers; tea lovers; technology; chocolate lovers; German; and SF bay area collections are just a few on the list. If your chapter is interested in putting together a basket, all you have to do is pick a theme and members will bring donated items for the basket. Chapter Presidents will present them at the banquet. Let’s see how creative your chapter can get.
iPhone Drawing:
A statewide drawing will be held at the banquet for an iPhone. Tickets are available from chapter presidents for $5.00 each. Winner need not be present. If you need tickets, let me know.
California Association of Blind Students Bowl a thon:
Sponsor sheets will be available on our website for the November 5, 2011 Bowl a thon. Throughout the state CABS members will accept donations and sponsorship for this fundraising event. Support your local student and sponsor them while they rack up the bowling pins. Proceeds will benefit Chemistry Camps and Youth Slam participants.
Pathfinders Chapter Netbook drawing:
On Thursday, October 20, 2011, the members of the Pathfinders Chapter (Los Angeles) will draw a lucky ticket for the winner of a Toshiba Netbook. The drawing will be held at the chapter meeting. Tickets are available from members or call President Rochelle Houston at (323) 807-0300 or e-mail Tickets are $5.00 a piece or three for $10.00. The winner need not be present. Pathfinders Chapter meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at the WLCAC Senior Center, 10957 South Central Avenue, Los Angeles. The drawing will be at their October meeting.
Guidinglights Chapter 20th Anniversary Celebration:
Save the Date. Come join the Guiding Lights chapter in celebration of our 20TH year
anniversary. The celebration will take place on December 10/2011 from
2:00PM-5:00PM at Truxton’s Restaurant, 8614 Truxton Ave. Stay tuned for more
information or call President Geraldine Croom at (323) 418-7211.
Quote: “The right of access to public accommodations and common carriers is a civil right. It is a basic right indispensable to participation in the community, a substantive right to which all are fully and equally entitled.” By Dr. Jacobus tenBroek
Mary Willows, President
39481 Gallaudet Drive Apt. 127
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 248-0100
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