September Bulletin
Greetings Fellow Federationists,
Convention Registration
Register now for the 2014 annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind of California. The theme this year is CHANGE. Creating Hope through Advocacy and New ideas with Gratitude and Enthusiasm. The dates are October 9 through 12. The location is the Embassy Suites South, 1440 East Imperial Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245. Make your reservations as soon as possible. The deadline for the convention hotel rate of $125 is September 19, 2014. Convention registration is $20. There will be one luncheon for the Diabetes Action Network on Saturday October 11 for $25. The highlight of the convention will be our banquet Saturday evening for $30. Registration and two meals can be purchased for $75. You will need your hotel reservation confirmation number in order to complete the pre-registration form. Click on the following link to register for the convention
Transportation Arrangements
We have tentatively reserved buses that will pick up passengers in the south and north. You must be pre-registered in order to get a seat on the bus. The northern California bus will originate in Sacramento at the Amtrak station on Thursday, October 9 departing at 9 a.m. with one stop at the Dublin / Pleasanton BART station at approximately 10:30 a.m.
The southern California bus will originate at the Goeske Center, 5257 Sierra Street, Riverside at 10:00 a.m. There will be one additional stop at the McDonald’s located at 9147 Central Avenue in Montclair. For questions contact the bus coordinators. The southern bus coordinator is Carmen Weatherly 909-486-2004. The northern bus coordinator is Rick Watson 707-673-7094.
Convention Events
On Thursday evening, October 9, we will hold a “Meet the Blind Month” event at the Manhattan Beach Pier. All who can get there should meet at the Stage Hotel at 6 p.m. The California Association of Guide Dog Users will lead the way on a walk along the pier at sunset. Participants will return to the hotel at 9 p.m. for a hospitality meet and greet with light snacks.
On Friday the Board of Directors will meet, along with the Resolutions Committee, students, and the exhibit hall, which is open to the public. From 7 to 9 Friday evening we will showcase our California Idol Talent Show. A donation of $5 will be accepted at the door. For more details on this terrific show, see the flyer at the end of this bulletin.
From 9 p.m. to midnight the California Association of Blind Students will host Monte Carlo night. Guests can purchase bags of poker chips for $10 at the door.
The annual convention is the only place where blind and sighted alike can meet and network with mentors and role models who share their experiences, courage, and inspiration. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can live the life you want.
Scholarship Application Now Available
Every year the National Federation of the Blind of California presents scholarships to qualified college students. This year we are proud to announce that there will be three scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each. Applications are now being accepted. The deadline is Completed applications and all required documents must be postmarked by September 15, 2014.
The National Federation of the blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
The National Federation of the Blind of California will showcase phenomenal voices from coast to coast on Friday, October 10, 2014
So, get the dust out of those pipes of yours and be a contestant at our state convention
Prizes for first, second and third will be awarded
There’s no fee to enter the competition, but you must first, be blind or visually impaired, second, send an email with your Name, contact number and email address to Rochelle Houston or call 323 807-0300
Third, provide the committee with your song choice. All songs must be emailed or received by Rochelle Houston by the designated deadline
Spots for this competition are limited so hurry and submit your entry!
Deadline is Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Of course you want to be there to experience this exciting showcase of talent!
Donation: $5 at the door
If you have any questions, please contact one of the following committee members:
Rochelle Houston
Charlotte Carroll
Chuy Vaca
Kia Vaca
Mary Willows, President
National Federation of the Blind of California
3934 Kern Court
Pleasanton, CA 94588
925) 462-8575
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