Category: Grants and Scholarships
National Federation of the Blind of California 2018 Scholarship Application Now Open The NFBCA will award up to two scholarships in 2018 worth a total of $5,000. As well as the scholarship, other expenses directly related to the convention will be covered, such as: airfare, Amtrak, finalist’s portion of the hotel room for three nights, […]
Wilbur Radcliff Memorial Grant Francis Radcliff was a Rehabilitation Counselor for the Blind at the Department of Rehabilitation. She believed strongly that if a blind person could get to a convention of the National Federation of the Blind of California, that person would understand the value and philosophy of the NFB . She knew that […]
NFBC Grant Application Now Available The National Federation of the Blind of California is pleased to announce that the 2015 National Convention grant application is now available. The deadline to submit your application is April 15th,2015. Grant Application:
Greetings Fellow Federationists, Convention Registration Register now for the 2014 annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind of California. The theme this year is CHANGE. Creating Hope through Advocacy and New ideas with Gratitude and Enthusiasm. The dates are October 9 through 12. The location is the Embassy Suites South, 1440 East Imperial […]